Wednesday, September 06, 2006

It's a struggle but we're still going

Phil & I went to my friends wedding in my home town of Liverpool on Friday.
We arrived there on Friday morning & until we left on Saturday evening we did not stop. We had a great time though at the wedding & I got to show Phil around Liverpool.
It was a very good but very tiring weekend & on the way home I got travel sick too :o(
Needless to say we slept in on Sunday so our run was running late.

We eventually got the Phoenix Park & set off on a 12 mile run. This consisted of 2 laps of a 6 mile run starting at near the North Circular Road gates, down the North Road, all the way around the Ordnance Servey Road & onto the Furry Glen. Foolishly we left our water bottles in the car so by 20 minutes into our run with the wind in our direction, we were already thirsty. Could we continue another 10 miles???

No we could not.

By time we completed the first lap we decided to head back to the car to pick up our water on the way. Unfortunately, once we were at the car, we did not want to leave. So after alot of umming and ahhing we decided to quit for the day.
We were very disapointed about this but we did have a busy weekend & did our midweek runs were cut short last week so it was to be expected & we have learbt a kesson that our midweek runs are just as important as our long runs at the weekend.

Bearing this in mind we have now decided to encorporate a semi long run within our midweek run. Ie, if we are running 12 miles on Saturday we include a 6 miles run midweek, rather than just 3 or 4 milers.

We tried this out on Monday which i know is not midweek but since we did very poorly on Sunday, we needed the confidence back.
Phil picked out a route that was 7 and a half miles & we just said we would see how we could do. And we did it. I know this is more than half of our planned 13 miler this weekend but we needed to get the miles in our legs. It felt great & now i am confident that we will complete our 13 miler on saturday.

Fingers crossed!


Liam said...

Well done on the extra miles, and the partying as well. Where did you manage the 7 miler around. Always on the look out for new routes.

Liam said...

Thanks for your words over on my blog, I suppose I have been running far too long, and should know better, and believe in myself.

We will all make ot around on Oct 30th, for you and Phil, your first, and I'll be cheering you all the way.